Most Common Causes of Car Accidents

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, more than 2 million people were injured in car crashes last year ( While a car accident can happen at any time, to any driver, it is still possible to vastly reduce your chances of getting into an accident by learning more about the dangerous circumstances that lead to most crashes. Here are the top 6 causes of car accidents and how you can avoid them.

Driver Error

The DMV reports driver error as the number one cause of car crashes in the United States. This can include speeding, ignoring traffic signs, driving on the wrong side of the road, or violating right-of-way rules. Driver error can be intentional or accidental, and it can put many people on the road at risk. The best way to avoid making these mistakes yourself is to always follow the rules of the road and pay close attention to traffic signs and signals around you.

Loss of Focus

Driving while distracted is a common cause of driver error and car crashes. It can make you more likely to accidentally hit something by preventing you from noticing hazards on the road. Some of the most widely known distractions are alcohol and cell phones, which can keep you from focusing on the road while you drive. However, there are many things that can distract you and cause a deadly car crash, including loud music, other occupants of the car, fatigue, and much more. Only drive when you are sure that you will be able to keep your full attention on the road, and you will be much less likely to get into an accident.

Aggressive Driving Habits

Aggressive driving habits such as tailgating, not using turn signals, and making sudden turns are also common causes of car accidents. These habits are especially common in young drivers and people with new cars. Although it can be tempting to show off your new vehicle after you leave the Duncanville Jeep dealership, you will only be making the road less safe for yourself and those around you.

Inclement Weather

Slippery roads, fog, and other inclement weather conditions often create dangerous hazards for drivers. Snowy and icy roads are especially dangerous, since it is often difficult to maintain good traction on the road. If you don’t have to drive in these conditions, it’s best to stay off the roads when possible. If you do have to go out, keep your speed down and keep plenty of space between your vehicle and the car in front of you. Keep your lights on so that other drivers will be able to see you.

Poorly Maintained Roads

In some areas, dangerous road conditions may also be a cause of car accidents. Potholes can sometimes cause accidents, as can overgrown bushes that block your view as you round a corner. As with inclement weather, drive slowly and carefully through or around the obstacles. Notify your township of the problem so that they can make the section of road safer for everyone.

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