Baking Soda Uses and Remedies

Most people have a powerful ingredient in their kitchen cabinets – and never use it for anything more than baking cookies. Baking soda has a wide variety of uses, ranging from personal hygiene to home care, plus a couple extras. Here are my favourites.
1. Freshen your breath

Baking soda helps to neutralise any acidic residues in your mouth that may be causing bad breath (meaning it won’t just cover up odour; it will get rid of it!). Mix a teaspoon into a small glass of water and use it as a mouth rinse.

2. Exfoliate your skin

This is much gentler than some commercial products with harsh chemicals that dry out the skin. Use three parts baking soda to one part water to form a paste, rub it on in a circular motion, then rinse. This works well on hands, too, softening rough patches.

3. Relieve itches/insect bites

Make a paste out of baking soda and water and apply it to affected areas.

4. Sunburn relief

If you’ve spent too long in the sun, add half a cup of baking soda to a warm bath to help soothe your skin.

5. Cancer prevention

Baking soda is basic so it increases the pH of acidic tumours without negatively impacting other areas. As Nobel Prize laureate Dr Otto Warburg discovered that cancers can’t form in an alkaline environment, this amazing product will help ward off cancer and other diseases.

6. Use as a bathroom cleaner

For tubs, tiles, and sinks, put a small amount of baking soda on a damp sponge and scrub, then rinse.

7. Wash dishes

Use baking soda in addition to dish soap to tackle difficult dishes, like ones covered with grease or cooked-on food. For an easier time, soak the dishes first in soap, baking soda, and hot water.

8. Give your laundry detergent a boost

Not only will baking soda help stretch out your detergent; it will also help balance the pH, resulting in fresher, cleaner clothes. This is an especially good option for baby clothes, since their skin can be too sensitive for harsher stain fighters.

9. Eliminate refrigerator odours

When something goes bad in the fridge, the smell tends to stick around. If you place an open box of baking soda in the back, it will neutralise the odours and prevent more from developing. You can keep closets smelling good the same way.

10. Deodorise other kitchen items

Use baking soda to deodorise trash cans by sprinkling some at the bottom of the bag, pour down drains and garbage disposals (pour half a cup down the drain and run hot water down it), microwaves (wipe down the inside with a damp sponge and baking soda), the sky’s the limit!

11. Deodorise cars, litterboxes and shoes

These common sources of household odour can also be tackled with baking soda. Sprinkle it over the seat of your car and vacuum it up after fifteen minutes, layer it on the bottom of the cat box, and shake it into your sneakers (shake them out before wearing).

12. Camping superhero

Baking soda is a hygiene jack-of-all-trades: it can be used as toothpaste, deodorant, dish scrub, bug bite relief…all in one convenient package!

13. Extinguish small fires

You may know that throwing water on a grease fire just makes it worse so reach for the baking soda instead. Toss handfuls of it at the base of the fire to put it out. (A fire extinguisher is still preferable, though!)

This list just scratches the surface of things you can do with baking soda, but rest assured that virtually anything you need to clean can be cleaned with baking soda (yourself included!) Just Google first for instructions on the specifics.

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