Use and Effectiveness of Anorectal Cream in Providing Relief from Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoid symptoms like pruritus, bleeding, pain or formation of a lump can be managed by an array of clinical procedures ranging from surgery to topical creams and ointments to non surgical methods like rubber band ligation to home remedies. Anorectal cream is an effective medication for quicker pain relief and easing the area. 

Considering the patient history is important to gain insights in the development of the condition. Haemorrhoids though are painful and pose a grave concern; patients never like to direct their doctor's attention openly to the embarrassing area. But considering the danger involved in the development of such condition patients should clearly provide necessary details and make the condition examined by the attending doctor as soon as the symptoms appear.

Clinical assessment of the condition
If the symptoms are vital, meticulous attention and physical examination is even more important. When examining make the patient turn to the left lateral position making his or her buttocks coming over the edge of the bed. Carefully inspect the area thoroughly and if needed anesthetic may be applied locally on the area. Remember, clinical assessment of the condition at this stage proves vital for prescribing the remedies.

Anorectal cream as effective topical solution
Hemorrhoids or piles refer to a condition with rectal swelling and inflammation and swollen vascular tissue forming outside and inside the anal area.

 Characterized by swelling pain and inflammation and burning sensation in and around the anal area, hemorrhoids can take the sleep and calm out of a patient’s life. Besides acute pain throughout the day and night it is responsible for the severe discomfort and stiffness during the bowel movement which aggravates when left unattended.

So, to prevent painful condition and also to prevent aggravation of the condition it needs immediate medical attention and treatment. Topical application of various hemorrhoid creams is one of the most common treatment methods for hemorrhoids. Among the several over the counter creams available Anorectal cream is held in high esteem for a quick and comprehensive remedy.

This cream is extremely helpful to treat hemorrhoids by applying topically while you are at home.
Using Anorectal creams

Using anorectal cream is recommended for various clinical conditions and symptoms as mentioned below.

• Anorectal cream is used for temporary relief from the swelling and pain.

• The cream offers fast relief from local itching, pain and discomfort felt in the Perianal area and from symptoms associated mainly with anorectal disorders.

• The cream helps forming temporarily a protective coating over the swelling and inflamed tissues and thus prevents drying of the tissues in that area.

• It offers temporary protection over the irritated areas.

• It offers relief from burning sensation.

• It protects the anorectal surfaces from swelling.

Directions concerning the use of Anorectal cream

• For applying on the area by adults it is recommended to cleanse the affected area with mild soap and water and then dry the area with soft cotton.

• The cream for best results is required to be applied up to 6 times daily or following each bowel movement.

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