Lose Weight Exercise Plan-How to Get The Best Exercise Plan to Lose Weight

Is it possible to find the best lose weight exercise plan? It surely is!
You know the feeling when you were a kid and your curiosity got the best of you? Curiosity helped you to wander away from your parent and you were lost for few minutes. Panic sets in and your anxiety sky rockets. You feel completely lost and unsure of what direction to take. Not having a plan for exercise can be a similar feeling. You could be going through the motions and guessing your way to weight loss. But, not really getting anywhere or hitting a plateau in your weight loss.

There are a ton of ways to exercise that you can choose from, part of the problem is trying to choose what is best for you. Here are some tips to help you find something that you can stick to consistently.

How to Get The Best Exercise Plan to Lose Weight

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Personality type: Think about your personality. Are you the extrovert type that gets energy from being with people? Or are you an introvert that prefers being home or gets energy from alone time? If you are an extrovert than an exercise class or workout buddy would be best for you. I have running group that I like to run with. It get’s me out of bed in the morning because I know I they will be waiting for me at the corner! If you are an introvert, then a treadmill or a workouts on TV might be best for you.

Early bird: Working out first thing in the morning is ideal for many reasons. You get it out of the way first thing. It will give you energy to go about your day and start up your metabolism.

Favorite Activity. You don’t have to do traditional exercise. You can do an activity or sport that you enjoy. If you really enjoy it, then it is more likely that you will stick to it and see weight loss results.
Nature High. Breathing in fresh air has a way of waking up all of the senses and giving you energy. Try to work out outside as much as possible.

Make A Routine. Once you have mapped out your exact exercise routine, make it an everyday occurrence. You should also workout at the same time everyday if possible.

Best Exercise Plan to Lose Weight

Cardio: Do at least 50 min. of cardio 5 times a week to experience 20 min. of calorie burn. Weight-bearing: Lift weights, do push-ups, or ride a bike for strength training to tone muscles.

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